
A Winter Wreath

My bro-in-law has been giving me grief over my fall wreath on my door. Seriously, the DAY after Thanksgiving he was wanting to know where my Christmas wreath was. Sheesh, cut a girl some slack would ya??

So I had a lack of creativity on this one. I'm not entirely happy with it, but we're gonna roll with it just for the sake of having a wreath on the door :)

I used the crochet snowflakes I made a couple weeks ago.

I also used the wreath trick I wrote about last month. It took me approximately 6 minutes to wrap this whole wreath! Woot!

So that's it, a winter wreath!

Much Love~

1 comment:

  1. I happen to love your wreaths. especially the trick on wrapping it before you tape it. Thank you so much for posting this.


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