
Tablet Cover

My best friend on the planet, Jamie, turned the big 30 on Monday. She's officially in her 30's while I still have another 5.5 months in my 20's HA!

Last month when Rebel Roxie Rose opened and my products went in their store, Jamie drove over an hour to their store for their grand opening. She bought a tote bag of mine! She's such a great friend! I'm so blessed to have been her friend for the last 25 years. Anywho, she hinted that she would like a matching cover for her Toshiba Thrive. Hello birthday gift!

Please excuse my super crappy cell phone pictures. It was night time, and I had to take them quick, the cell was all I had.

I didn't have very much of the fabric left that the tote bag was made out of so I had to use small pieces. Then I added the embroidered bird on the front flap. I think it ties the front to the back a little better, and makes the front not so plain. It really was stinkin cute!! Hope she enjoys it. From what I hear she carries the tote bag to work every day :)

Much Love~

1 comment:

  1. I got dad one of those tablets for Christmas - maybe you could make him a cover?!?!


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