
Bird's Nest Necklaces

I've seen tons of people either making or selling those uber cute birds nest necklaces lately.
They really are super cute!

So while I watched TV thursday evening I made a couple, like 5 of them!

The blue one is my fav!

Go get some wire and make some!

Much Love~


Log Wall Art

I made this framed wall art a while back {before my blogging days} and I thought I would share it with you. 
It's made from some logs we had from trees cut down in our yard.
Oh, and I built the frame too.

Other than the cost of the trim for the frame, I had all supplies on hand.
Another cheap project in the books!

Much Love~


Sweater Pillow

Last week I made my 20 Minute Pillow Shams and I mentioned making another pillow out of a sweater.

I have this sweater that shrunk slightly and doesn't fit me as well anymore, but I've been saving it.
Sorry my pictures aren't that great, I did this at night :(
I started by cutting the bottom off , then cutting the largest rectangle I could from one side of the body
Fold right sides together and sew along the short side. 
Then I had to do a little tricky math to find out what size circle to cut for the ends. I actually had to google how to compute how to get the diameter of a circle from the circumference. Let's face it people, who really remembers those formulas from school? Not this chick! Anywho, once I had that I had to draw a circle. It probably would have been easier if I had a protractor or whatever those things are called, but I don't. I just tied a piece of yarn to a pencil and measured out what I needed. It worked pretty well if I do say so myself.

So then I used the bottom piece of my sweater I cut off originally and cut 2 circles out of it.

Then just sew them on the ends! Leave a hole in one so you can turn it right side out and stuff, then close up your hole and it's done! Took probably 30 minutes total. I do love me a quick project!

It's kindof a small pillow, but I had a very small sweater to begin with. Oh well, it's perfect size to slip under my neck for a cat nap!

Much Love~


Plastic Plate Upcycle

I have this stack of cheap plastic plates I bought several years ago for my RV.
I tried to sell them in a garage sale last year,but in the end they were still on my table.
So I've been holding on to them knowing I could do something crafty with them.
Then the other morning it hit me and I knew what to do.
So here's what I started with:

I took some cream colored scrap book paper, cut it into strips and covered each plate.

I wanted each plate to mimic a specific flower on the curtains in my kitchen.
I just started cutting out shapes to make flowers and modge podged them on the plates.
Then gave the whole plate a good coat of modge podge

When it dried, I flipped the plate over and cut the edges off with an exacto knife.
I am so in LOVE with how they look!

Whatcha think?
I can't stop staring at them...literally!
Hope you enjoy!

Much Love~


Planting Flowers is Hard Work

This is the first house I've owned.
The first house I've had to maintain a yard.
The first time I've cared about my "curb appeal".
And the first time I've planted flowers.

As I've mentioned before, our house was built in the 70's, and the landscaping reflects that.

This is our lovely bushes when we first moved in
 Beautiful, right?
Yeah that's what I thought.
So Mr. Perfect cut them all out.

Once all those bushes came out we found massive rocks, in size and quantity, under them.
So we built a flower bed with the rocks.
FREE landscaping!

Now the really great part...
Our city has the most UH-MAZING city services
We have huge recycling bins, they pick up all our yard waste, I love it.
I recently found out they use the yard waste and turn it into compost.
They also use the logs and turn them into mulch.
Great right?
The best part...
As a resident, we can go fill truckloads of compost and mulch, for FREE!!
Pretty sweet deal if you ask me! That stuff is not cheap!

1 truck bed filled with compost and mulch + $50 in flowers = One super cheap, beautiful new flower bed!

This fall we will lay grass seed on the exposed dirt and next year it will be even better!
I'm pretty happy with it :)

Much Love~


20 Minute Pillow Shams

I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day!

In other news, my blog is the featured top spot at Sassy Sites! this week! Woot!
A big THANK YOU to Marni for doing an AWE-some feature on little 'ol me yesterday!!


Go check out her site, it's super cute!!

Ok, so on to the project for today...

We have a love seat in our bedroom that has turned into a dumping ground for clothes and bags and whatever else I drop there. Originally I wanted to make it a space where I could be in my room and relax or read or whatever. I think the reason I dump things there instead is because it doesn't match my room and I'm secretly trying to cover it up! I've been wanting to get a slip cover for it, but for reals, they are EXPENSIVE! Not to mention it has t-cushions that translate into an even more expensive slip cover. Ugh! Anywho, the solution landed in my mail box last week in the form of a Big Lots ad. They had Sure Fit slipcovers for $20! Whoa! $20! So I snatched one up. It doesn't have t-cushions, but for 20 smack-a-roos I can deal with the fabric being worked around them. Ok, so slipcover, check! On to the pillows....

I have 2 microfiber pillows that go to our couch in the family room that we don't use. They are super squishy and great to snuggle with. They need some shams to join the party up in the bedroom. Last summer I went to a huge fabric sale at a barn in the country. This woman had 1000's of bolts of fabric that her mother had collected over her lifetime. It was heaven. So I picked up a lot of random things that I wasn't really sure what I was going to do with. I got several yards of this cream colored fabric that has this wonderful texture to it. I'm not sure what it is, but at the time I thought it would be great for pillows. Finally, I have a use for it!

So here's what I did...
I laid out the fabric and cut a piece that was twice the size of my pillow plus about 4 inches.
I did no measuring. I eyeballed all of it, but of course you can measure if you want.

Sew under both of the short ends. This fabric didn't seem like it was going to fray easily so I didn't do a very clean hem. I didn't pin the edge either, I just folded it over as I went along, making sure I kept it lined up with the edge of my presser foot. See that texture?? It's FABULOUS!

Next fold one end up, right sides together, and stitch each side closed. Fold it up a little more than half way.

Then stuff your pillow in.

Fold the other side over.

Place a pin on each side where the end should come to. Take the pillow out. then sew the end up on both sides. Make sense?

Put your pillow back in and voila!

Ignore the wrinkles in the slipcover. I swear I tried to get them out, but they're stubborn. 

Took me about 20 minutes to make each one. Super quick! I'm thinking I might add a big flower or some ruffles or something...your thoughts??
I also have another pillow to add that I'm making from an old sweater so look for that soon!

Much Love~


Interchangeable Headband

Like I mentioned the other day, my kiddo has a birthday this week...Thursday to be exact.

She is a headband kid...mostly because I won't let her walk around with hair in her face...HUGE pet peeve!

I made her a couple cute ribbon wrapped headbands with some flowers on them for Christmas last year and she just loves them. I, on the other hand, hate wrapping all that ribbon around the headbands.
The solution? Velcro! One of the best inventions EVER!

So I wrapped one headband with white ribbon, then glued a strip of velcro on one side
See the little velcro there?

Then I just made some cutie flowers to attach to it!
The rosettes I made last week that you can see here and the felt flowers I just threw together :)

Attach a little piece of velcro to back of each one to match the headband and you're all set!

Pretty sure she's going to flip over her new headband(s)!
Best part is, I can add to the flower collection at any time without spending any money!

Much Love~

American Girl Doll Clothes

sI have to tell you straight up that I think American Girl Dolls are stupid.
It's not necessarily the doll that's stupid, but paying $100 for one is!
My kiddo got one for Christmas from her aunt and uncle. 
So she wants new clothes for it. Do you know how much that crap costs?!? ONE outfit will run anywhere from $30-$50! Are you kidding me?? I don't even spend that kind of money on my own clothes, or the kid's clothes, so why in the world would I spend that on clothes for an overpriced doll!

Ok now that I've told you what I think about that, I can't disappoint the kiddo.
If she wants new clothes, new clothes she will get.
She has a birthday next week...the big double digits...10!
I picked up this pattern a couple weeks ago for $1 at a pattern sale at Joann.

I decided to start with look F down in the bottom right corner. It seemed easy enough. I only used fabric I had on hand because it was raining and let's face it, I melt. I think I will try look C this weekend.

My pictures aren't the best, but it's pretty stinkin cute! 
So for the cost of the pattern the kiddo gets some new clothes.
I'd say that's waaaaay better than the $30 at the store :)
Score 1 for mom!

Much Love~


Easy Peasy Summer Skirt

Easy Peasy might be a little misleading...

Let me rephrase that, Easy Peasy Once You Teach Yourself How To Do Shirring Summer Skirt

I've never done any shirring before. Quite frankly, it scares the crap out of me. So I bit the bullet and decided to try it. It actually is easy once you get the hang of it, but it took a lot of wasted elastic thread to figure it out and let's face it, that stuff isn't cheap!

So I started with this cotton T I got at the thrift store for a BUCK! Score!
I promise I ironed this before I cut it up!

And here's what I ended up with. It's super comfy. 

Two things I would do differently:
1. Add a few more rows of shirring. I ran out of thread after wasting so much learning.
2. Mine needs to be a tad smaller. This is kinda big so I'm giving it to my sister.

Once I got my settings right and figured out the shirring, it was easy peasy like I said :)

I have 2 more T's I bought that day in gray and black so I'll be making more of these!
A skirt for a BUCK, you can't beat that! Go get yourself some!

Much Love~


Blog Addict?

I know I'm new at the whole blogging thing, but since I haven't posted in the last 5 days or so, I feel lost. Is that a sign I'm becoming addicted to my blog? I was afraid of this. Anywho, there is a good reason for my absence. I have spent the last 4 days doing my best to take the kiddo somewhere fun everyday. It was a good week for the two of us. Consequently, I was tuckered out! That little kid sure does have a lot more energy than I do!

I have managed to do a couple projects that I want to share so badly, but, just my luck, my camera battery died when I tried to upload my photos. I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow. 

'till then my friends...

Much Love~


I was featured!!


Sooooo incredibly HONORED and excited to be featured this week on, not one, but
...let's say that again...
TWO blogs!!!!

You can't see it, but I'm totally jumping up and down clapping like a 3 year old *hehe*

A GINORMOUS thank you to the 2 ladies that featured me!
You can check them out HERE and HERE

And now a little introduction for a very special lady in my life...

Meet Carmen

She is my girlie. Here's a few things you should know about Carmen. She's 8 years old {her birthday is in April, in case you were wondering}. She's a pitbull mix, not sure what the "mix" is. I rescued her. She's the most well-behaved, sweetest dog you will ever meet. My grandma says she's the best dog she's ever met *tear*. As you can see, she loves to chew. She doesn't fetch, she doesn't do tug-o-war, just chewing.

She has a crazy tongue and she knows how to use it! She is a licker, a constant licker. It's gross.

She glares at me when I take pictures of her. And she likes to stare at people, but never wins the staring game.

Sometimes she makes silly faces. Btw, her entire muzzle used to be the color of her ears, but she's an old lady now.

And she uses her hands like people do. It cracks me up. She folds them one on top of the other when she lays down too (ignore her talons, they seem to always need cutting)

Don't ya just love her?
I do!

Much Love~