
Planting Flowers is Hard Work

This is the first house I've owned.
The first house I've had to maintain a yard.
The first time I've cared about my "curb appeal".
And the first time I've planted flowers.

As I've mentioned before, our house was built in the 70's, and the landscaping reflects that.

This is our lovely bushes when we first moved in
 Beautiful, right?
Yeah that's what I thought.
So Mr. Perfect cut them all out.

Once all those bushes came out we found massive rocks, in size and quantity, under them.
So we built a flower bed with the rocks.
FREE landscaping!

Now the really great part...
Our city has the most UH-MAZING city services
We have huge recycling bins, they pick up all our yard waste, I love it.
I recently found out they use the yard waste and turn it into compost.
They also use the logs and turn them into mulch.
Great right?
The best part...
As a resident, we can go fill truckloads of compost and mulch, for FREE!!
Pretty sweet deal if you ask me! That stuff is not cheap!

1 truck bed filled with compost and mulch + $50 in flowers = One super cheap, beautiful new flower bed!

This fall we will lay grass seed on the exposed dirt and next year it will be even better!
I'm pretty happy with it :)

Much Love~

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