
Easy Peasy Summer Skirt

Easy Peasy might be a little misleading...

Let me rephrase that, Easy Peasy Once You Teach Yourself How To Do Shirring Summer Skirt

I've never done any shirring before. Quite frankly, it scares the crap out of me. So I bit the bullet and decided to try it. It actually is easy once you get the hang of it, but it took a lot of wasted elastic thread to figure it out and let's face it, that stuff isn't cheap!

So I started with this cotton T I got at the thrift store for a BUCK! Score!
I promise I ironed this before I cut it up!

And here's what I ended up with. It's super comfy. 

Two things I would do differently:
1. Add a few more rows of shirring. I ran out of thread after wasting so much learning.
2. Mine needs to be a tad smaller. This is kinda big so I'm giving it to my sister.

Once I got my settings right and figured out the shirring, it was easy peasy like I said :)

I have 2 more T's I bought that day in gray and black so I'll be making more of these!
A skirt for a BUCK, you can't beat that! Go get yourself some!

Much Love~


  1. Cute! How did you do the shirring?

  2. Hi there- found you through Tater Tots's hop and am a new follower. This sounds so simple. I'm not much of a skirt person, but I can picture my nieces wearing this! I hope you have time to follow my life in South Africa by http://withoutcomplexities.blogspot.com

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I love this! I'm totally a newbie sewer...like I made my first thing last Monday...but my goal is to be able to make things like this. Someday...

  4. I'm new to the blog and having fun looking around. If you add a little more shirring it would make the skirt smaller!


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