Me and my sweet Zoey snuggling next to the fire pit.
Isn't this what summer is all about????
Correction.....Isn't this what summer is all about????
Just me!
Party supplies for the kiddo's 11th birthday! Love me some dollar tree. See those cupcake liners? And see the darling flags that came with them?? The kids loved them!
Cupcakes....ready for the girls to decorate
Decorated! Don't they look great?? They were thrilled that I let them each have 2 and load them up with sprinkles and sugar! Then they had a race to see who could eat both of theirs the fastest --- hilarious!
This right here is what makes me the best step-mom ever :) It almost made me cry.
The girls did a craft too. I made salt dough and they all made it into whatever they wanted and painted their creations. They had a blast doing it.
Mr. Perfect is on a softball league. It was unbearably hot out, like 100 at 2pm. Ugh. Good news was the other team didn't show, so we won by default and didn't even have to play. Yay!
We were at the the game long enough for me to put this down. I'm not gonna lie, it was delicious.
After the game we took our pool over to our friends driveway where they have their pool and we had a little whitetrash party. It was awesome!
My mom bought this ring for me a couple weeks ago on her trip to Branson. I think it's pretty sweet!
My sweet baby will put her head on the edge of the couch and leave it there until you let her get up. It's the most precious thing ever! She's just so stinkin cute!!
And's only June. BUT, I will not complain very much about this because I despise winter with all my being. I would take this 3 digit number over a single digit number every day of the year --- hands down!
Whew! You made it through my SUPER long post. Pat yourself on the back :)
We are going out of town tomorrow to visit some family. I'm really excited about it. I have the next 11 days off work!! One trip this weekend and part of next week. Then another trip next weekend with my mom and sis to the lake!! So I apologize in advance for the lack of posts next week. If I was a super cool blogger I would have done some posts in advance, but sadly, I am not that cool.
Have a great weekend friends!!