

Hope everyone had a fun and safe new year last night! Mine was totally lame. I did the exact same thing I did last year, which was nothing. I sat in bed with the kid and crocheted a baby hat while we watched tv. And to make it worse, I accidentally missed the countdown...I was on the wrong channel. We started hearing fireworks and I checked my phone, it was 12. Oops, sorry kid....happy new year, time for bed. Then I spent another hour and a half watching the Kardashians (my guilty pleasure, shh don't tell).

So here we are in 2013. I don't neccesarily make resolutions, but there are a few things I need to work on personally this year. Also some goals I would like to accomplish. I had some rough times in 2012 and I'm hoping this year turns out to be better.

Since I've been absent from my blog for the last 6 months I thought I would catch you up my life through the eyes of Instagram. Here's what I've been doing....

I took a girls trip with my mom and sister to the lake. It was a really good weekend :)
Yep, I read all these books....and then started the Crossfire novels, which are along the same lines. Loved them all!

We went to more ball games this year than I can count.

Us, on the right, with my sis and her boo at a ball game.

And another ball game....told you we went to a lot of games!

I changed my hair color from the navy blue that it was, to this turquoise color.

Spent some time with the family at the water park.

Went to KC Irish Fest in the heaviest downpour ever!

Had some amazing craft beers brewed at my favorite brewery in KC.

Fell in a hole at my bff's house at her bachelorette party. Sprained ankle. Super fun to walk down the aisle in heels at her wedding! Took 2 months for this to heal :(

Enjoyed some blissful nights by the firepit.

These dogs crack me up! She falls asleep sitting up!

Mr. Perfect bought me a gorgeous orchid plant. I usually end up killing them after a few months, but they are so pretty to look at until then.

For 3 years we have not had a working overhead light in the kitchen. Don't ask me why it took us so long to just get a new light, but we finally did! What a difference that has made around here

Enjoyed a Vetereans Day celebration at the kiddo's school. My dad was invited to be honored. It was a special day, and I was happy to be able to go.

Sat through the kiddo's first violin performance of the year.

Raking, ugh, nuff said

My sweet baby in the leaves. I mean seriously, the cuteness!

Little baby got a yellow pea coat to wear in the cold. She has next to no hair and comes from NC.


Played a very competitive game of electronic Monopoly with the family.

Made super cute little tote bags to hold gifts for the nieces for Christmas

Really? Little dog is lucky old dog is so nice...

Had a dinner date with my kiddo. Finally convinced her to get something other than a gross cheeseburger at the mexican place we like to go to. Those tacos are the best!

Thanks to mom and dad for the new laptop for Christmas!!! Now I can blog again ;)

It snowed several inches yesterday. I thought it was just darling that these two were watching it together. Best friend love.
Hope you enjoyed some of the better things that have happened in the last 6 months. There was also some bad, lots of bad, but I won't get into that here. Hope everyone is enjoying the new year! I will be back very soon to show you some of the projects I have been working on around here :)
Happy 2013!



  1. I'm glad you're back! I've missed your posts!

  2. I hope you're doing okay despite the "bad." Your instagrams are super cute and look there was fun to be had in 2012!


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Have a fantastic day!

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