
I'M BACK!!!!

HELLO!!! My poor little blog I have ignored for oh, 6 months :(  My laptop died in July. I've been stuck using my super slow, ancient desktop. So basically I only use it for paying my bills and...yeah that's pretty much it. BUT, mom and dad save the day! New, amazing laptop for Christmas. Yup, I love it. So now I can blog again :)

Is anyone still out there? Anyone?? I love you forever if you are....



  1. Yay! I've been wondering how you've been doing! :) Welcome back!!

  2. Up and running just in time for the new year :)
    Welcome Back!

  3. Ha ha ha, guess what, still here!! Glad you're back!

  4. Yay!!! Still here! Glad you're back on the blog wagon. I'll be sure to check in!

  5. Thanks everyone for welcoming me back!! I'm happy to see some of my favorite blog friends are still here!!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!

Have a fantastic day!

P.S. I do my best to reply to every single comment I get, but if you are a no-reply blogger I can't see your email address to reply. Please change your settings so we can be friends!