

Yes, I am still alive!! I haven't posted in over a week and I feel SUPER guilty about that. I have a whole list of projects to share with you, just haven't gotten around to doing it. So here's an update about what's been going on that's kept me away from bloggy land.

My kiddo graduated 5th grade last week! AHHH!!! She looks and {sometimes} acts more like a 3rd grader haha. Hope she doesn't get eaten alive next year.

My much dreaded 30th birthday was last Friday! Eek! The good news is I didn't develop gray hair or deep wrinkles over night. The bad news is, I still don't like it. Here's the highlights {I'll spare you all the party pics and just show you the nice pics}

I got a Silhouette Cameo!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! {not that you can tell}

We had cupcakes with mustaches that my sister made. The cupcakes were to die for! Made with Blue Moon, Guinness, Pink Champagne......the best! And candy staches. We had a seriously fun time with these. She made 3 different kinds in tons of fun colors. I loved it!

Check out this potting bench my dad made me! It's gorgeous. I can plant flowers in the middle and it has seating on each side. He's so handy :)

And we had a new little one join our family in the last week. Her name is Zoey and she's just the most precious little girl ever.

I mean, seriously, check out all that CUTENESS!!! She's so darling. She is a beagle, whippet mix and we just love her. She has fit in really well at our house. I've even caught her and my old pitbull, Carmen, cuddling. I pretty much snuggle her constantly.

More great DIY/crafty posts are soon to come my friends..... Can't wait to show you what I've been working on!


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I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!

Have a fantastic day!

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