
{Sewing Tip Tuesday} #13

Guess what?? My birthday week has finally arrived. Friday I will be the big 30! Only 3 more days in my 20's. I have sense of doom upon me. But, I'm super excited for all the FUN we will be having to celebrate this weekend!! OK, on to the show....

This week's tip comes from Sew It Love It. Ilse made a list of the 12 most common mistakes when cutting fabric. I'm going to give you the list, but you'll have to visit her blog to get specifics on each point. I'm not trying to steal her post, mmmkay.

12 Mistakes to Avoid when Cutting Fabric:

1.   Forgetting to preshrink
2.   Leaving wrinkles
3.   Letting fabric hang off the table's edge
4.   Ignoring pattern layout instructions
5.   Fabric nap in the wrong direction
6.   Upside down prints
7.   Unmatched plaids and stripes
8.   Cutting on the right side of fabric
9.   Twisted grain lines
10.  Grain going crosswise, not lengthwise
11.  Using old or dirty shears
12.  Moving patterns

I found her article extremely useful. Hope you will too! Visit Sew It Love It and educate yourself on cutting fabric! 



  1. Oh hey now! We are birthday twins! Holla! auna @ la vie en rose

  2. Happy almost birthday! You need to do some major celebrating. I'm still adjusting to being 30 without shuddering but it's gonna be okay. :)

    Thanks for the cutting tips, always good to have the reminder.

  3. Happy Birthday week!! Don't sweat the big 3-0, it's much more preferable than the big 4-0....I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that one. lol

    Thanks for the list, I'm definitely gonna check out your link, I spy several mistakes I make all the time just because I'm lazy. sigh.


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