
Dollar Store Wreath

 I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before that Mr. Perfect hates wreaths. I'm not sure why exactly. But he does. He says something crazy like "a wreath screams 'a woman lives here'". Well, hello, a woman does live here! This is not your bachelor pad buddy!

I had a wreath hanging on this mirror at Christmas. Ever since I took it down I feel like the mantle has been naked....not completely butt naked, but like one sock is on, one sock is off kind of naked. It has been bugging me.

I've seen coffee filter wreaths in blogland and I like them. They look nice, they look clean, and let's face it, they're cheap to make. We all know I love a cheap craft. No money tree growing in this chick's backyard!

Here's what you will need to make one like mine:

*Coffee Filters
*Floral Foam Wreath
*Large knitting needle {or something pointy, but blunt}
for some reason the camera focused on the mat and not the objects...so sorry.       

 Take your coffee filter and scrunch it up.

Fold the bottom part a little and place it on your wreath

Then push it in with the needle or whatever you are using.

Place all the filters relatively close together. I went all around the top and the outside edges. I didn't worry about the inside of the wreath since the puffiness of it all kinda hides the inside anyway.

Fluff and that's it!

What did Mr. Perfect think about this wreath?? Well, usually when I have something new hanging up in the house, he notices {without me saying anything}, and makes some comment on how great it is or how nice it looks in the room or whatever...he's very supportive like that. Not so supportive of the wreath...

Me: Did you see the wreath I made today?
Him: Yeah I saw it.
Me: What do you think?
Him: Are you trying to pay homage to a powdered donut??
Me: {rolls eyes}
end of conversation

A couple days later my brother-in-law and sister-in-law stopped by. She of course likes it and gushes over it. He does not. Here's how that convo went...

Him: Is that new?
Me: Yeah, just made it.
Him: What's it made out of?
Me: Coffee filters
Him: Oh, now that I know what it's made of, I don't think it's so cool.
Me: Your brother {Mr. Perfect} doesn't get it either.
end of conversation

Seriously. Men.

Sorry boys, I happen to like wreaths. So deal with it!



  1. Love this...easy, quick, and inexpensive!

  2. You can use a screwdriver to do the same thing. I used to make them for all the holidays using holiday fabric - cut in 3 inch squares with pinking shears. It isn't quite as cheap as coffee filters but not expensive either. I like it!

  3. I love it.

    Men are just.....well, men!

  4. ps. Love Mom's idea too. I've seen that done before. Wouln't be expensive at all if you used leftover fabric remnants. :)

  5. This made me laugh!

    I'm a more of a "holiday wreath" kind of gal, but I like yours! (I'm also a little worried about what my husband will say if I make regular decor wreaths. He's a champion of the word "meh.")

  6. How cool! I've always wondered how they did the coffee filter wreaths. I just posted about my own Book Page Wreaths. If you're interested, check it out!

  7. I adore this wreath so much! :) I made a white crepe paper rose wreath, but the coffee filters were genius! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  8. LOVE it!! Now that I will always see it as a large powdered donut, I want to eat it!


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