
Sunday Refashions

I'll start off by telling you what I wanted to do with my Sunday...

I wanted to be basking in the 100 degree weather next to one of these
And this is totally the pool I would be going to...cuz that's how I roll 

I also wanted some of this
Because today is National Ice Cream Day!!!


Neither of these wonderful things happened today
Because the kiddo got in trouble

So now I'm stuck inside being pale and healthy.
AND sewing!!

I have 2 refashions for you today...
First off, I have this dress that I NEVER wear. 
I love it, it's super cute, but my rib cage is too big for the top.
Solution...cut it off and make a skirt instead.
Here's what I started with

Look how great that detail is!
If only I could breathe with it on as a dress!

Ok, so here's the second item I refashioned....

I have this shirt that I HATE
It's orange...gross
It's boxy...blah
It's all around U.G.L.Y.
I don't even know why I bought this shirt so many years ago
I'm sure I've never worn it

See what I mean? Not cute at all!

I made this a little more form fitting and cut the sleeves off
Here it is after the transformation
Loads better, but still boring
So I used the scrap fabric from the sleeves and dressed it up a bit
Here's the whole outfit finished
{ignore my blurry photos...that's what happens when you are trying to photograph yourself}
{and I cut my head off because my hair looks like poo today and I have no makeup on}

There's no question I love the skirt!

The real surprise here is that I now ADORE this shirt!!!
I think I might just wear it everyday...I'm only kidding...sort of
And it looks fab with this skirt!

So there you have it
If I can't have the pool and ice cream, I can at least refashion myself a new outfit!

Hope you are doing something fun today!

Much Love~


  1. You continue to amaze me with your creative ideas on refashioning your clothing!

  2. @Sue Campbell
    Thanks mom! I guess if I don't have endless amounts of $$ to go buy clothes, I have to make new with what I've got! I have a whole closet full of stuff that needs pizzaz

  3. Great refashion! Love the flower!

  4. What a great solution. I love both.

  5. The flower detail on the top is just gorgeous! The skirt is really cute too and I love the colour combo of the two worn together.

  6. I love love LOVE that shirt!!! I so want to try that, thanks for the idea!

  7. I love the top and the skirt is very cute!

  8. I so LOVE redo's!! The shirt turned out super cute!

  9. I am here from the hop and my goodness, this turned out so awesome! I love re-fashions!!!! :)

  10. I love your new outfit refashion! Thank you for linking up last week at Sew Woodsy! Please come back tomorrow and link up your most recent project!

  11. I LOVE people who re-style their clothes. This is so adorable. And it looks so good ON you too! Thanks so much for linking it to Fabulous Friday. I'll be featuring it as one of my favorites on 7/29. Please feel free to take an "I Was Featured" button!

    Warmly, Michelle

  12. TOTALLY love these refashions! I want that shirt for myself! I love the details of the skirt too - and it has pockets to boot! Thank you for linking up to WWWW! I'm featuring you today!
    PS - saw that you are from Olathe! My husband has family there! I LOVED it there when we visited!

  13. i love this! i kinda recreated it...im just learnign to sew, so im super proud of myself!!!

  14. love the flower detail did you have to do anything to the edges?

  15. Love your refashions. The top is now super cute with shorter sleeves. The flower dresses it up. Found your blog through refashionco-op, where a lady used your refashion as an inspiration to make a blah sweater transform into a cute one just like yours.


  16. Wow, this turned out absolutely lovely! I love the flower detail but also the overall shape of the shirt

  17. I think the entire new outfit is gorgeous! I wish I had the talent to do stuff like that, but I just can't get interested in sewing. But I do love seeing what others have done.

  18. This is adorable, and it looks so nicely done. I love the way you did the flowers.

  19. You ideas on fashion continue to blow my mind away. Check out our blog too : here

  20. love your post keep up the great work



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