
Handmade Gift Exchange

Twice a year at Craftaholics Anonymous Linda hosts a Handmade Gift Exchange.
Sign up and receive contact info for a partner.
You then have 1 month to get to know that person and make them a lovely gift!
It's such a great idea!

My partner was a lovely woman name Heidi.
Heidi loves pink!
So here is what I made her...she *hearts* it!

The gift exchange went on during the month of June. 
Unfortunately the postal system sucks seems to have lost my package from Heidi, so I have yet to receive anything from her.
Every day I walk to my mailbox with such anticipation, but to no avail.
That's ok though! If nothing shows up, I still had a great time making something for a total stranger!
Gave me the warm fuzzies inside *giggle*
I have been waiting to post what I made her until I got my gift, but I just can't wait anymore.
I had to share!

From what I understand (since I'm new at this stuff) the next exchange will be in November.
I highly recommend looking out for it and joining!

Much Love~


  1. I love that fabric! It almost makes me like pink.

  2. I love this make up bag... the ruffle is adorable!


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Have a fantastic day!

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