
Weekend Washers Tourney

Does anyone out there play washers? WE DO! (google it if you don't know what I'm talking about)
And I gotta admit, Mr. Perfect and I are pretty stinkin good!
So we were invited to play in a tournament this weekend with 15 other teams
It was super fun! 

There's a big fish fry, everyone brings a side and a bottle of wine per person as an entry fee.
It's double elimination
Every team has a name and most people dress  the same as their partner.
Perfect opportunity for me to make us some "perfect" shirts!

Here's the highlights

Sweet team name right?!?

Just as the names imply, we totally are!

Me and my lovely friend Lauren

We won 2nd place!!!

 And this was our handsome prize!! YUM-O!

Anywho, enough of my silly pics from the tournament
Here's how I made our perfect little shirts

Gather your supplies:
-awesome shirts
-water soluble pen
-straight edge
-paint brush
-fabric paint...I'm classy and totally rocked the puff paint! Hello 1990!
-wax paper
-clothes pins

Ok, start by sliding the cardboard under your shirt and pin them together so nothing slides around. On the tank top I had to put wax paper between the shirt and cardboard because the shirt was very thin. The t-shirt didn't need it though.

Next use your straight edge and write out whatever you want. I free-handed the letters and the number.

Then paint! I did the white first and used my paint brush to spread around a bit. Then outlines the whole thing in the black.

Super easy peasy!
That team named carried us all the way to the end.
Next year we are totally going to kick some washers booty and win 1st!
So that was the highlight of our weekend! 
Hope everyone enjoyed theirs as well :)

Much Love~

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