
Can I write on my door?

The answer is YES!
I decided to try my hand at using some chalkboard paint. 
When we bought our house a year and a half ago we had super dark, crappy doors (my house is a 1970-something house, yikes!). So I painted all those doors (and the trim) white....except one.
Don't ask me why I never painted this one door, I do not know why.
Maybe because I'm lazy?? 
YES! Probably.

Anyway, this one lovely door I neglected is a door in my family room that leads down to the laundry room and out to the garage. So I thought this would be the perfect door to use the chalkboard paint on so we could leave notes to each other, or reminders for the next day....like "don't leave your camera batteries plugged into the wall"...yeah I've done that oops!

So I took the door down, gave it a coat of paint and now it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in my family room. Hoorah!

For the chalk cups, I used some hose clamps I got in a multi-pack for like 2 bucks at Walmart, then nailed them to the wall and slid a cheap $1 votive holder in the clamp. Voila!

And of course we had to draw some super crazy things all over the door. I can't say I didn't have a beer before we did this craziness *wink*

Do you have a chalkboard in your house? 
Well, you totally should!

Much Love~

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