
A Neck With A Statement

Here in Kansas City we have a thing called First Fridays. On the first Friday of every month, tons of galleries and studios in our Crossroads District open up in the evening. There's a lot of people, a lot of really cool art, and a lot of drinking. Recipe for a good time if you ask me!

So I decide I need a statement necklace to wear for my appearance in the art world
Cuz you know, I'm a big deal

I pulled out some scrap knits from old knit shirts I cut up and whipped up this:

And what does every girl need to go with a killer necklace for a night out??
That's right, a matching bag of course!

I didn't put any type of liner in it, because it only gets used when I wear the necklace.
Not bad for about 45 mins worth of my time.
Made me feel "artsy fartsy" for an evening *wink*

Much Love~


  1. I love that necklace. And it looks nice with the blue shirt.

    I just found you through one of the Saturday blog hops! Can't wait to read more. Have a great weekend!

    Amanda @ www.nutritionistreviews.com

  2. A totally perfect statement necklace and cluth for an artsy night out! Sounds like fun. Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!


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