
Celebrating 29 years of ME!

YESTERDAY was my wonderful 29th birthday (yes, it's the first time I've been 29)!

It was a pretty darn good day.
I started the day off with a fabulous FREE back pop from my chiropractor
I feel nice and tall and "right" again

Then we went to US Toy Playthings for some party supplies
No trip to US Toy is complete without a photo shoot with fun hats! DUH!

 A lovely hamburger hat

 Big hotdog YUM

 Ball and Chain...yep that's how we train those kids 'round here



What is this you ask? Me, being a fierce flesh eating crab. No?

Next on the agenda included driving through torrential rains and getting locked inside a Dollar Tree while the tornado sirens went off...again...oh the joys of living in the midwest

Ok, skip the storms
Time for PRESENTS!!

 Super lame and not creative at all, but I asked Mr Perfect to get me watch batteries for 4 of my watches. They all have dead batteries and I can never seem to remember to get new ones. I was thrilled to have my lovely time keeping arm candy back in working order!

 Sunglasses...in brown. Ignore, how freakish my finger looks and the weird expression on the kiddo
 Sunglasses...in black
Back Massager! Yay, now the hubs can rub my back ALLLL the time. Bet he didn't think that one through!
And last, a new bike! I've been dying for one so the kiddo and I can ride to the park (I'm too lazy to walk)

As it turns out, I'm a little rusty on a bike. As I'm about to crash into the curb I say to the kiddo "I don't know how to turn!" She replies with her best 9 year old attitude "Turn the handlebars!". And she left me in dust. Thanks kid. I'll have to do some secret practicing so she doesn't put me to shame like that again!

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing some light housework for my guests that evening and finishing up this purse I decided to make for my own birthday gift.

Quasi-tutorial for this tomorrow :)

So on birthdays in my family we usually get together with my parents, grandma and sister and go to dinner somewhere. Well my parents are in Hawaii celebrating their 35th anniversary (Hooray!) so scratch that tradition. Instead we had my sister and her man and a couple friends over for bbq chicken, brats, and some FANTASTIC cupcakes! It was low key, but fun. Anywho, you HAVE TO see these cupcakes my sis made. They are the most gorgeous works of art! I mean, to DIE for! Have a look-see:

UH-MAZING!!! I absolutely LOVE how the butterflies are perched on flowers! She has some mad skills and insane knack for baking the most gorgeous cupcakes. LOVE YOU SIS!!
So that was about it for the day. Total picture overload here but I had to share my great day.

Much Love~

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