
{How Pinteresting} #11

Sorry this is a little late in the day. I didn't really feel all that great yesterday afternoon and didn't get around to posting this. But hey, better late than never, right?

We had some friends that had a baby last week {I'm jealous}. I saw this super cute embroidery hoop on Gwenny Penny


Isn't that darling? I think her words are stamped. I don't know how to do that, so I embroidered mine.....not that I'm a pro at that either, but it worked :)   My friends' nursery is green, pink and brown. Here's my version

Oh how I wish I had a baby.....someday



  1. This is so cute, Meredith! I love the colors, and your embroidery looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing with me :)

  2. Your embroidery looks just like your handwriting! Cool! Looks very cute.

  3. Way cute!! I bet she loves it. I think your embroidery looks great too. :)


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