

us at my cousin's wedding last weekend

Today is a special day.......it is my 2nd wedding anniversary!!!!!!!!! Since it is a Tuesday and we have his daughter, we can't really do much to celebrate, but that's ok. We have a sitter for a couple hours tonight so we can go to dinner.

I can't wait to share with you what I got/made him for the occasion!! I would tell you about it now, but as I'm writing this, he is laying in bed next to me. His cell phone has him in a trance so I doubt he would look over at my computer screen, but I don't want to take any chances. Hopefully I can find some time this week to show you though :)

Sorry I don't have a sewing tip for you today. I promise it will return next week!

OH, and I totally forgot.........last Friday was my BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!! My little blog turned 1 year old!!!!! I had intentions on making an entire post about it, but it completely slipped my mind while I was out of town. Not every good planning on my part huh? Anyway, THANK YOU TO ALL MY READERS!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't be doing this if you weren't here to support me :)  Love you all!!

Here's another picture of my face for your viewing pleasure

us with my sis and her bf

Hope everyone has a marvelous day!!!!!



  1. happy anniversary!! Hope you have a good dinner out tonight and hope you're having a good week!

  2. You are a stunning couple! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy (belated) Anniversary!! What a lovely couple! Hope you had a great dinner out.


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!

Have a fantastic day!

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