
{Sewing Tip Tuesday} #10

I seem to getting another cold. I'm not happy about this. I have lots of things to do this week and NO time to deal with crud. I'm also attending Bloggy Boot Camp in St. Louis this weekend and I don't want to be sick for that either! Ugh! Hopefully I can pump myself full of enough drugs to kick this cold quick!

On with the show...

This week I'm sharing a tip with you that I saw on Sew4Home. If you have trouble turning little tubes right side out, then this might make your life a little easier :)  I always push them out with knitting needles or a pencil, but this seems like a lot less frustrating.



Use a hemostat! She says she bought hers on Amazon for cheap, like $7. I would spend $7 to make my life easier. Pretty clever huh?



  1. wow! That would definitely encourage me to make more tubes in my sewing :)

  2. I hope you feel better soon!!

  3. Verrry clever. Wonder if my old boss would let me have an old hemostat!

    Feel better quick! I swear by EmergenC. Great stuff.


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