
{How Pinteresting} #6

AHHH how I love spring!!
We've used the fire pit twice already.
Had some brats and smores.
Seeded the lawn.
And I've spent almost every afternoon outside on the patio for the last 4 days.
Pure heaven!

With that being said, you can imagine how hard it was to go inside and do a project for this post HA

I was having a convo with my mom the other day and she started telling me how she's following a couple blogs now....more than just mine ;)
She mentioned she saw this little round pouch for holding earbuds that she was thinking about making for her MP3 player.
Now, I don't remember if she said she found this tutorial through me or saw it somewhere or what, but I knew I had this same thing pinned.
That's how my PINspiration was born this week

Source: dog under my desk
This is seriously SUPER easy to make. Erin gives a fantastic tutorial.
She gives a pattern too...
I didn't use it though. I was a bit too lazy to turn on the printer and print it.
So I just used a monster cup (a stupid man cup with sports nonsense on it) to draw some circles.

And here's how mine turned out...

Did you notice mine looks more like a squashed egg than a circle???
Uh yeah, I can't sew a circle.
I don't understand it either. Everything is perfectly lined up and cut and..just perfect. Then I sew it together using a perfect seam allowance and it still looks jacked up!

Do any of you remember these key chains I tried to re-create last summer??



ps. I just noticed I didn't add a split ring to mine before I took the pictures. Fail.



  1. I love this idea as a coin purse!!!

  2. Turned out super cute! Don't worry about the shape. Fabric is cute and with earbuds in it, it'll look lumpy anyway!

  3. I saw it on your Pinterest thingy. I was thinking about making a square one or rectangular one to fit my earbuds and my MP3 player so round isn't a big deal with me either. Like the fabric you used for this. I need to find new fabric for mine...


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