
{How Pinteresting} #3

I'm really getting a great response with this series and that makes me HAPPY!

So let's get to it with another Pinterest project by yours truly

The inspiration this week is these lovely yarn covered bottles.

Penelope and Pip

Like they say "very easy and super cute!" I have to agree wholeheartedly

And here's my version...

If you can't tell, this bottle is GINORMOUS.  I used a magnum bottle of wine, cuz that's how I roll..sometimes.

I didn't mod podge mine though....I hot glued. I used hot glue on the entire bottom row then only every several inches in one spot or when I switched colors. Now the bad part...there's always a bad part right?...nothing is just blissful and perfect all the time... my bottle curved rather sharply towards the top there and I ended up having to use a TON of glue to keep the yarn from sliding. I tried for a minute to use mod podge on this area but that was completely useless. Ok, so it really wasn't that bad, but a little frustrating. Oh well, still turned out great!

I plan to put this bottle in my living room when I get some shelving up...soon!

Ok friends, I must go nap. My sore throat has now stolen my voice and turned into a full blow cold. A yucky one! UGH! I was just sick 6 weeks ago, why is this happening again?!? I suppose it's all the crusty germy little kids I'm around at work every day. I cringe every time one of those little buggers coughs in my face. Maybe I should be closer friends with Mr. Hand Sanitizer....just a thought.

Hope you are all feeling better than I am!

Oh, someone please visit my Pinterest and tell me what you would like to see next week!! Purdy Please!!!


  1. Flower ruffle tank from an old shirt! Oh my gosh I WANT one! I'd love to see you try this one out. I'd like to make one but I'll have to wait until I'm de-chubbified.

    Your bottle turned out perfect! Can't even tell you had to use lots of glue.

  2. Looks fantastic! Great job.

    I would love to see what you do with the paint chip art from your pinboard.

  3. I love this series. This week on my blog is the challenge of linking up the projects you pinned and done. You should come link up and I would love for you to do a tutorial one day and be a guest judge. Email me if you are interested.

  4. You know how totally awestruck I was with your paint chip clock in the bathroom. So genius!


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Have a fantastic day!

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