
{Sewing Tip Tuesday} #4

Another week, another tip!

This week I have a tip from Sew4Home. I haven't tried this out specifically, but I have done something very similar that I will tell you about.

When sewing with vinyl or leather or faux leather you are supposed to use a teflon foot on your machine to prevent the fabric from sticking. But lets get real here people, are you going to buy a special foot to use on a fabric you probably rarely sew with?? Yeah, I thought not. I've seen people put tape on the bottom of their regular presser foot to glide over the material easier. I tried this once. It didn't work out so great. My tape kept getting pulled off. It just wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It might work for you, but it didn't for me. Maybe I used the wrong tape, I don't know. So anyway, here's another alternative...

...add some wax paper to your material and sew away!

So like I said, I haven't done this specifically, but I have done something similar. I used tissue paper. Worked beautifully!

When you are done, just tear the paper away :)



  1. My eyebrows shot up. In a "oh, makes total sense" kind of way. A very good tip!
    You're right, I don't sew with vinyl or leather very often. At least now I know how to work out the kinks if I ever do.

  2. Freezer paper will work too if you don't have waxed paper. With freezer papaer, I'd put the waxed side down and just glide over the paper! Used to use it as a stabilizer when doing machine applique.

  3. Oh my gosh! Thanks for this tip! I tried to make myself a vinyl bag for work, and it was so frustrating for me cause I didn't know what to do with the sticking issue. I'd resigned myself to tossing out the rest of the vinyl, although I haven't tossed it yet. Now I won't have to! Yay!!


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