
New Series

I have a confession....I'm a Pinterest junkie {GASP}. Oh the shame. Countless hours of my life, gone. But I do love it...sshhh, don't tell.

I don't know about you, but I have pinned about a buh-zillion things in my "to do" board. Do I ever get around to doing any of them? Um, no. To help me actually get around to making my own version of some things I pin I am starting a new series on Thursdays...

Each week I will write about something I duplicated/tried/cooked that I pinned on Pinterest 



1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I love this idea! My friend has a yay/nay board for things she's actually tried, then gives a review on it.

    I'd love to see more of that! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
    ...maybe I ought to do the same. Do, instead of pin, right?


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