

My name is Meredith and I'm an inconsistent blogger.

I might blog on Monday and then again on Friday, or another day, or not at all. I might not blog for 2 weeks at a time. Then there's the occasional week that I blog 5 times {gotta pat myself on the back for those weeks}! All of this inconsistency tends to upset me. It's in the back of my mind while I'm at work. It keeps me up at night. It leads to further procrastination and self-loathing. See, I have a problem. I don't like to start things I can't finish or have the potential to fail at. So if I don't have the time to complete an entire project that I want to blog about, then I won't start it. Then I have nothing to blog about. So sad.

In my attempt to become a better blogger for you, and for me, I am trying to come up with some sort of schedule that I can rely on each week. I don't have definitive plans yet, but I'm working on it. Hopefully you will see the changes, and consistencies, in the next few weeks. Woot!

First thing I'm going to start doing is a series called Sewing Tip Tuesday! Every week I will share a sewing tip that either I use in my sewing or one I've seen online that I want to share. I'm pretty excited about it! I've been writing down these tips I want to blog about and have enough that I thought a series would be a great way to share them with you! What do you think? Do you like the idea?

For those of you that have your own blog, how do you deal with being consistent?
Do you have a schedule?
Would you be interested in a linky party on here to get to know new people and blogs?
Any suggestions for you what you would like to see here?

Don't forget, tomorrow starts...

EEEEK! I'm so excited!



  1. i don't have that problem..no one really reads my blogs, lol!

  2. I didn't have a schedule for a long time, but I have one now because I ran into the same issue you've got. It's nice though, because if I do think of something that doesn't "fit" I know I can blog about it anyway and it's not a big deal. But if I know which topic I scheduled for that day, it makes it a little easier to come up with something to blog about :-) Hope it works for you!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!

Have a fantastic day!

P.S. I do my best to reply to every single comment I get, but if you are a no-reply blogger I can't see your email address to reply. Please change your settings so we can be friends!