
I'm Leaving...On a Jet Plane

Don't know when I'll be back again...

Just a little joke...I'll be back Tuesday evening :)

Mr. Perfect and I are heading to sunny California, Los Angeles! We are going to see his grandparents, who I have never met before. We are sooo excited! Saturday we have a little side trip too...driving to San Diego to pick up Mr. Perfect's parents from his dad's work conference. It's going to be such a fun little trip for us. And MUCH needed! This is the first trip we've had since our honeymoon.

I didn't have time to get any posts planned out while I am gone, but not to fear dear readers, I will be back soon and I have lots planned! Plus I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures to share ;)

Anywho, toot-a-loo!

Much Love~

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