
Goodbye 2011

The last day of the year is here. Doesn't it always seem to go by too fast?!?

2011 was a pretty good year at our house...

*We celebrated our first wedding anniversary
*I started this blog :)
*We completed several home improvements projects that have been on the to-do list since we bought the house
*We put ourselves on a serious budget and have made huge progress towards eliminating debt
*I was offered space in a local boutique to sell my handmade items
*Mr. Perfect completed all his "training" that he's been doing for the last 15 months at his job
*We have had lots of good times and created more memories

Not too shabby right?

I have a feeling 2012 will be even better for us! ...just an inkling ;)

Today we are going to do something fun (movie or bowling) with the kiddo as a reward. We recently started a new discipline system and seems to be working! YAY!! Tonight Mr. Perfect has to work (he bartends on weekends) and I have the kiddo with me. I think we are going to watch some movies and have a spa party!! Should be a fantastic day to end the year :)

Hope everyone enjoys their New Year's celebrations and starts off 2012 in a good way

See you next year peeps!

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