
Shop Update

I opened an Etsy store at the beginning of the summer. I didn't have much to list, but I did it anyway. It's been a major fail. I've had no sales :( I'm actually kinda embarrassed to even write that. It has been a very discouraging summer for me. I can't say I'm completely surprised though. I didn't do much to promote it. I didn't add new items. I just put it out there and expected it to do it's thing...uh...what was I thinking? Then my busy time at work started and I just didn't have the time to devote to building my shop. Especially when I have been concentrating on building a blog. UGH! So much to do, so little time...story of my life. Well this has all been a nagging in the back of my mind that I'm stressing about. I'm in a position where I loathe my job almost every day (hope my boss doesn't read this) and I want to quit. But I can't do that financially. Mr Perfect is working on making some changes in his job situation, but until he does I'm stuck at my exhausting job. I would love nothing more than to be able to quit my job, but still help support our household through my blog and more specifically my shop. So I've been working my little tail off to revamp my shop! I took all new photos and listed more items. I have plans for some more items and different products to add here soon as well.

I would really appreciate some feedback from anyone that would be willing to take a look at the shop since I made the changes. Do you like it? Does everything look okay? Pricing okay? It's really great to have such wonderful support on my blog. I'm hoping to get some support for my shop as well. I've also thought about doing a giveaway on someone else's blog to get some exposure....email me if you are interested!!

Okay, so go check out the new, updated, hopefully more successful, shop!
Haute To Sew The Shop

Much Love~


  1. I will take a look at your shop. I too opened a shop this summer and have had zero activity. But I have only put about 5 things in it. I am actually working on improving it.
    Good luck. I will let you know if I have any feedback:)

  2. I think I could copy and paste this post to my blog and no one would know the difference. It's a struggle trying to work full time and start an Etsy business.

    Your shop is lovely. I would think that everything is in order there aesthetically. Maybe try to use more of your tags. And, as ugly as it looks, maybe put more stuff in your title, so instead of "Small Zippered Pouch" change it to "Small Zippered Pouch with D-ring and Ruffle." Search Engines like that sort of stuff. Take what I say with a grain of salt though because I'm by no means successful. I'm still convinced that it's a lot of luck, you know, finding the right buyer at the right time.

    I'll be honest though, I'm just glad that I've found someone else who struggles with this! I feel kind of alone when I read blogs that say "I'm a full time working mother to 5 kids, homeschooling them all, with a multi-million dollar Etsy business on the side" (ok so they don't say that, but it feels like it sometimes.)

    Keep your head up, girl! You'll make it!

  3. I don't know much about owning an etsy shop. I thought about doing one myself a while back, but chickened out.

    All your items are very cute!! I'm surprised you haven't sold anything.
    The pictures look good to me.

    Good luck!

  4. You sound exactly like me! Having an Etsy shop has been a lot more time consuming (and not to mention frustrating at times) than I ever imagined it would be. I opened my shop one year ago expecting to make a ton of sales...not so much. It took many months before I made my first sale, and even after a year I've only sold 13 items. It's easy to get discouraged, but I really enjoy making things, so I'm going to stick with it.

    Honestly, I think your shop is fantastic! Your photos look really crisp and bright, the items you have for sale look really cute, and your header is so pretty. Hang in there!

  5. The shop looks really cute. I can only imagine how frustrating an etsy shop could be. I know that I have never bought anything; I just browse around and get ideas for things I can make myself. Hang in there.
    I've been going through a similar frustration with blogging. Despite linking up to numerous parties and increasing my posting frequency, my blog traffic and followers aren't really increasing. I frequently feel discouraged. Right now I am trying to focus on why I'm blogging anyway, and that's because I want to keep track of what I have accomplished. So, even if I am the only one that reads what I write, it's still important for me.


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!

Have a fantastic day!

P.S. I do my best to reply to every single comment I get, but if you are a no-reply blogger I can't see your email address to reply. Please change your settings so we can be friends!