
Future Giveaway??

I've noticed that I'm nearing 100 followers!
I wasn't really sure I would enjoy blogging when I started at the beginning of the summer, but I do :)
I'm so thankful for all of my followers
And for everyone that takes the time to leave me comments
I love checking my email every day and seeing a new comment!

So to give back and show my appreciation I'm going to do a giveaway when I reach 100 followers!
Doesn't that sound like fun??
Not sure what I'm going to give away...something I will make!

So tell your friends!

Much Love to you ALL~


  1. Oooh, how exciting! I'll hafta post this on facebook. who doesn't love a good giveaway?

  2. Congratulations! I wish I could follow twice to get you closer to 100!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!

Have a fantastic day!

P.S. I do my best to reply to every single comment I get, but if you are a no-reply blogger I can't see your email address to reply. Please change your settings so we can be friends!