
Pinterest Picks {Week 2}

I'm back friends!!
{Doing the happy dance}
This week has been EXHAUSTING!!!
Worked 58 hours and didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked

BUT, I'm refreshed and ready for a productive weekend!

So here's my Pinterest Picks for the week...a day late...

I see so many drop-dead-gorgeous wreaths in blog land
I REALLLLLLLY want to have on my front door
There are 2 problems here...
1. My door faces south, with no shade, so any wreath with glue, melts and falls apart in the sun.
2. Mr. Perfect thinks wreaths are tacky (he's obviously delusional)

So I'm stuck admiring everyone else's wreaths and being super jealous

Rainbow Wedding Felt Yarn Wreath

Ahhh, SWOON!!
Aren't they lovely??

Maybe someday I can have a wreath...maybe

To see the rest of my "Wreaths I Love, but Hub's Wont Allow" board, click HERE

Hope everyone had a great week!
Sooo glad to have time to be back on my computer :)

Much Love~

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Have a fantastic day!

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