
Pinterest Picks {Week 1}

I've decided that each week I will be posting a few things I've pinned.
I just signed up on Pinterest last week and I'm hooked like a crack addict!
{And I've gotten a few of my friends hooked too *tehe*}

Everything today is coming from my Love for all things PEACOCK board!!

This fall my sister and I are considering getting a "sister tattoo"
She currently has 4
I have none
I want a peacock feather
But it's still up in the air
I'm a wuss

Much Love~


  1. I love #1! I think I could make one of those...may have to give it a try!

  2. I found you through the blog feature on Reasons to Skip the Housework! Love your blog!



I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!

Have a fantastic day!

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