
I can't sew a circle

Super cute right!?

Yeah, so I thought I would try some.
Not so much.
I dug through some scraps (not the prettiest ones in the world either)
I don't think I like them

What do you think?
I think if I had used prettier fabrics I might like them better
I also think I totally suck at sewing circles!
Maybe I should stick to sewing things with straight lines
Oh well

Much Love~


  1. so cute, thanks for linking today, I am following you back with gfc. Hope to see you next week at the link up for bacon time again!

  2. They are cute, brighter fabric may give the darker ones more appeal. I have a hard time sewing a curve. I like this idea, thinking handmade Christmas trinkets, personalized with initials, thanks

  3. I love them, I think you did great with the circles but we are our own worst enemy!! Just found your blog, Im going to be following it! :)


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