
The woes of a leaky ceiling

So last spring Mr. Perfect and I go away for 9 days on our honeymoon, yay!

We come home to this, boo!

What a lovely water stain on the ceiling of our kitchen. Before we could do anything about it, it rained more, a lot more, and got bigger. Without a lot of ANY complaining, Mr. Perfect joyfully crawled up in the attic from the other end of the house (which is also up a level) and placed a giant roasting pan on the ceiling to catch any further drips. Patiently, we waited until the next downpour, which happened right in the middle of him cooking dinner, and he crawled up there again to find the leak. Luckily a little tar on the roof fixed the leak!

Fast forward, a YEAR and the leak is still there. See previous post for an explanation on my laziness...it's a disease that curses me. Well now this stain is getting on my nerves and since the weather is warmer I have no excuse to ignore it anymore. So I got out my drop cloths and kilz and went to work

And now I have this!!

A nice fresh ceiling with no water stain! Ahhh. The whole 15 minutes it took to do that was painful wasn't so bad afterall.

Mucho Love ~ Meredith

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